高中英语Lesson 1 Roots and Shoots课文配套ppt课件

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高中英语Lesson 1 Roots and Shoots课文配套ppt课件

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这是一份高中英语Lesson 1 Roots and Shoots课文配套ppt课件,共32页。PPT课件主要包含了作表语,作定语,作状语,作宾语补足语等内容,欢迎下载使用。

Part 1—Lead inPara. 1: What is “Just-me-ism”?Para. 2: The establishment f Rts & Shts.Para. 3-4: The meaning f its name.Part 2—Reading cmprehensinLet’s read!Mst peple suffer frm what is knwn as “Just-me-ism”.suffer frm: 遭受(疾病、战争) be knwn as: 被称为 be knwn fr: 以……而闻名大多数人都遭受着所谓的“唯我独尊主义”的折磨。Well, say yu leave the tap running while yu brush yur teeth, leave a light n when yu g ut r yu drp a piece f litter and can’t be bthered t pick it up.when是at r during the time that, 既指时间点,也可指一段时间。引导时间状语从句的动词可以是终止性动词,也可以是延续性动词。when是during the time that,指一段时间, 从句中的动词是延续性动词。bther t d/ ding sth. 费心做某事bther sb. with/abut sth. 为某事打扰或麻烦某人It bthers sb. that/ t d sth.使某人苦恼的是have bther (in) ding sth.做某事费力pick up: 拾起,捡起;收拾,整理;学会;用车接某人;收听到;身体好转;取回比如说,你刷牙的时候水龙头开着,出门的时候灯开着,或者你扔了一堆垃圾,却懒得去捡。Yu knw that all thse things are wrng, but s what?s what: 省略句式,补充完整为s what is it?表示那有怎么样?其他常见省略句式:What if 如果……怎么样 What fr? 为什么……? Hw cme……怎么回事?你知道所有这些都是错的,但那又怎样?There are millins f peple in the wrld and I’m just me.millins f: 数百万thusands f: 成千上万hundreds f: 成百上千世界上有数以百万计的人,而我只是我自己。T inspire yung peple t take actin fr the envirnment, animals and their cmmunity, Rts & Shts was established.inspire sb. t d sth. = inspire sb. with sth. 使某人产生(某种感情)inspire sb. t d sth. 鼓舞某人去做某事take actin: 采取行动in actin: 在活动中ut f actin: 失去作用,不能工作为了激励年轻人为环境、动物和他们的社区采取行动,Rts & Shts 成立了。This institute was set up in the early 1990s by Dr. Jane Gdall, a scientist wh’s the wrld’s best-knwn expert n wild chimpanzees.set up: 建立,创立set ut: 动身,出发;开始,着手做某事set dwn: 记下 set abut ding sth. : 着手做某事set aside: 留出set ff: 出发,动身;爆炸;引发这个研究所是由世界上最著名的野生黑猩猩专家简·古道尔博士在20世纪90年代初建立的。In additin t her research, she has been whle-heartedly cmmitted t envirnmental prtectin.in additin t: 除此之外cmmit suicide: 自杀cmmit a crime: 犯罪cmmit sb. t (ding) sth.: 承诺做某事除了她的研究,她还全心全意地致力于环境保护。The rganisatin is called Rts & Shts because rts mve slwly under the grund t make a firm fundatin.firm: adj. 牢固的 n. 公司fundatin: n. 基础这个组织被称为Rts & Shts,因为根在地下缓慢移动以形成坚实的基础。Hundreds and thusands f rts and shts can slve the prblems, change the wrld and make it a better place t live in.slve the prblem=settle the prblem解决问题成百上千的rts and shts可以解决问题,改变世界,使之成为更好的居住地。... when yu make a dg wag its tail,...wag its tail:摇尾巴……当你使得一只狗摇尾巴时……That’s what Rts & Shts is all abut:...那就是Rts & Shts的全部内容。从句于系动词之后,充当表语成分,称之为表语从句Dr. Jane Gdall believes that the mst imprtant thing is that...简·古道尔博士认为最重要的是……Every individual makes a difference.make a difference: 起作用Cmplete the summary with the crrect frm f the wrds and phrases belw.a firm fundatinbreak pen brick wallsjust-me-ismleaving the tap runninglive in peace Verb-ing & Verb-ed Frms1 __________________ (hear) the gd news, we all jumped with jy.2 The stry had a satisfying ending, which made us __________________ (satisfy).3 The __________________ (break) clck shuld be repaired.He became interested in English.The news is interesting.表示人自身的感受或事物自身的状态a brken cupWe can see a rising sun.Surrunded by a grup f pupils, the ld teacher walked int the rm.Seeing the teacher, he ran int the rm.与主语在逻辑上存在主谓关系与主语在逻辑上存在动宾关系Nw when peple refer t England yu find Wales included as well.I heard her singing in the next dr.与宾语在逻辑上存在主谓关系与宾语在逻辑上存在动宾关系Match the wrds in bld (1-4) with their functins (a-c).Cmplete the text with the crrect frm f the verbs in brackets. What is the functin f each verb frm?Part 3—Hmewrk


英语必修 第三册Lesson 1 Roots and Shoots课文内容ppt课件: 这是一份英语必修 第三册Lesson 1 Roots and Shoots课文内容ppt课件,共49页。PPT课件主要包含了懒得做某事,ROOTS,SHOOTS,Para 1,Paras 2-5,Part 1,Part 2,institute,harmful,individual等内容,欢迎下载使用。

高中英语北师大版 (2019)必修 第三册Lesson 1 Roots and Shoots公开课ppt课件: 这是一份高中英语北师大版 (2019)必修 第三册Lesson 1 Roots and Shoots公开课ppt课件,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了课文结构图解,课堂整体阅读习题,题组练·领悟方法等内容,欢迎下载使用。

高中英语北师大版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 8 Green livingLesson 1 Roots and Shoots评优课课件ppt: 这是一份高中英语北师大版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 8 Green livingLesson 1 Roots and Shoots评优课课件ppt,共32页。PPT课件主要包含了每一个个体都起作用,institute,harmful,involve,individual,v-ing,v-ed,表示事物具有的特性,作表语,表示主动进行等内容,欢迎下载使用。




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